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Deutscher Schädlingsbekämpfer Verband e.V. | Booth B101

Deutsche Schädlingsbekämpfer Verband e.V.


Bockradener Straße 43
49477 Ibbenbüren

Company portrait

The German Pest Control Association (DSV) is a professional association in which professional pest control companies have joined together in order to document that they practice professional competence, quality and consumer friendliness. The statutes of the DSV, which the members have drawn up for themselves, are very strict and enable the affiliated companies to carry out a high level of self-monitoring.

Just under half of the pest control companies in Germany are organized in an association. Member companies of the DSV are continuously supported by corresponding association measures, such as training and further education measures and other activities for quality assurance and improvement.

In addition, the DSV is decisively represented in important technical committees, such as Subcommittee II for the development of technical rules, where it can provide assistance to legislators with its high level of technical expertise.

Pest control is a matter of trust.
Trust the DSV.