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Maximize your trade fair success

Whether exhibition furniture, technology, marketing or logistics services:
A wide range of services are available to all PEST-PROTECT® exhibitors.

We provide you with the best possible support in preparing and organising your trade fair appearance.

Rental furniture

Our stand builder "Messeaufbauten Klos" offers a wide range of rental furniture. Prices and information can be found in the catalogue for rental furniture or on the website.

It is no longer possible to order furniture.

Online shop for Messe Frankfurt exhibitor services

From mid-June, it will be possible to order services for your trade fair appearance. As an exhibitor, you will receive access to the shop by e-mail from Messe Frankfurt after you have booked your stand.

The Shop for Exhibitor Services offers you a comprehensive range of services to make your trade fair appearance at PEST-PROTECT® even more successful.

Order your desired products and services conveniently online - here is an overview:

  • Technical connections
    Electricity, water, telecommunications...
  • Stand equipment
    Decoration, plants, media technology...
  • Stand services
    Security, cleaning, hosts/hostesses...
  • Catering
    Food and drinks directly on your stand...
  • Logistics services


Always and everywhere online - during the trade fair, basic WiFi Internet access is available to you free of charge throughout the exhibition centre. This access is recommended for checking e-mails or other messages. For larger data volumes or uninterrupted bandwidth available at all times, Messe Frankfurt offers high-performance premium access.