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Birchmeier Sprühtechnik AG | 1.2 A04



Im Stetterfeld 1
5608 Stetten

Company portrait

Birchmeier has been a leading Swiss manufacturer of spraying, foaming, dosing, scattering and powder equipment for 148 years. The extensive product range extends from small hand sprayers to backpack or wheelbarrow sprayers. Applications can be found in the garden, agriculture, trade and various industries.

Quality ‘Made in Switzerland’, functionality and reliability of the products take centre stage. The durability of the products also plays a key role for the company. In 1889, the Swiss company developed the world's first knapsack sprayer. The company continues to attract attention with its innovations. This includes the ‘Accu-Power’ line - sprayers with intelligent pressure control.
All appliances are developed and produced in the company's own factory in Stetten (Switzerland). The products are exported to over 80 countries.

Battery spray blower AS 1200

Akku-Sprühgebläse AS 1200 by birchmeier

Battery backpack sprayer REC 15 AC1

Akku-Rückensprühgerät REC AC1 by birchmeier

Telescopic lance XL 8D

Teleskoplanze XL8D by birchmeier

Stainless steel compression sprayer Spray Matic 2S

Druckspeicher-Sprühgerät aus Edelstahl Spray Matic 2S by birchmeier

Compression sprayer Profi Star 3

Druckspeicher-Sprühgerät Profi Star 3 by birchmeier