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Logistics at Messe Frankfurt


Vehicles entering the exhibition grounds must be registered in advance. No access will be granted without registration.

Our traffic guide will help you get to the exhibition grounds quickly and safely.
Please read the traffic guide carefully and pass it on to your forwarding agent, stand construction personnel, drivers and other service companies.
It contains all access regulations for set-up, trade fair duration and set-up.


Truck parking spaces for exhibitors

A sufficient number of parking spaces for trucks are available on the exhibition grounds of Messe Frankfurt. To ensure efficient planning, please let us know in advance whether you require parking spaces for trucks.

We will let you know at short notice which parking spaces are available for you.

Car parking spaces for exhibitors

Messe Frankfurt provides exhibitors with sufficient parking spaces. To use the parking spaces for cars, parking tickets must be ordered in advance via the Shop for Exhibitor Services.

Parking spaces for exhibitors' cars are provided in P1.

Transportation and Logistics

Messe Frankfurt's logistics partners will help you with questions about special transportation, safety and environmental guidelines and customs clearance. They also take care of on-site handling, including empties handling, temporary storage and the rental of cranes, forklifts and work and lifting platforms for stand assembly.

The storage of empties and flammable materials etc. is prohibited on the exhibition stands. Please contact Messe Frankfurt's logistics service for suitable storage during the event.

Further information on logistics services can be found on the Messe Frankfurt website.


Do you have further questions about Messe Frankfurt's logistics services?
Please contact the Logistics Team

+49 69 7575 6075
